Summer Softball

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The CGLC puts on an official recreational softball league. This softball league is open to all members of the College of Chemistry and includes professors, graduate students, undergraduates, and post-docs. The season runs from June to August. In 2022, games were held at Glendale La Loma Park Softball Field. The winner of each year is engraved on the College of Chemistry Cup.

Team signup begins in March.

For all comments and questions about softball contact the current league commissioner. For the 2022 season the Softball Chairs are Walt Yang ( and Henry Squire (

Past Champions

2022: Lewis Base Stealers & Longballs

2019: Isothermal PBRs

2018: Toste Salad

2017: Toste Salad

2016: Toste Salad

2015: Toste Salad

2014: Electric Fielders

2013: Isothermal PBRs

2012: Isothermal PBRs

2011: Isothermal PBRs

2010: Your Mom

2009: Longballs

2008: Updog

2007: Team Terror

2006: DL Kobras

2005: Blaise of Glory

2004: Ron Jeremy et al

2003: Ron Jeremy et al

2002: VWR All-Stars

2001: Isotopes